Labour run RCT council were heavily criticised by Welsh Government over their plans to include land at Ystrad Barwig Farm in the proposals for the new local development plan that will dictate where housing development can be built for the next decade.
The government response described the plans as "too broad and generic and lacks the understanding necessary to support this key allocation in a national growth area" as well as heavily criticising the lack of links to public transport and the fact that half the site is located in a level 3 flood zone.
In full council this week I asked the cabinet member responsible if he would finally remove this proposal in it's entirety, especially as previous plans to build home on the site have been quashed by Welsh Government not once but twice and over 80% of their consultation responses were from Llantwit Fardre residents who oppose this green field site being build on. Instead of answering the question, the cabinet member made a personal attack on me which prompted members of the public who were watching the meeting to contact me to express their disgust at his behaviour.
As usual, Labour aren't listening to residents.